Random Thoughts
There were a couple of 6,000 word mystery stories to go over and over - thirty times at least - until I was satisfied. Changing a word here and another there, moving text from one place to another, deleting some things and adding others, coming up with a different ending - those things take time.
Then there were three high school sports books produced between 1988 and 1999 to get back in print again. Doing so was a huge job, although nothing like it was the first time. That took several years of reseach, compiling and writing. Doing the books was a labor of love because each has a limited market.
All of it is fun though. Can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing.
It has started earlier than ever this year, the slimy tactic that has become known as swift boating. The latest McCain TV commercial is so sickening it would be looked upon with scorn in Zimbabwe. Comparing a rival with Britney Spears and Paris Hilton is despicable. Will it work? In a country with millions of rednecks and bible thumpers you had better believe it will. This sort of thing got us eight years of war, record deficits and a failing economy. It is amazing how many people want more of the same rather than elect someone who doesn't look and act exactly as they do.
It really is time for the Democrats to launch a counterattack against the Republican filth. Perhaps they are just waiting for an opportune moment. If they intend to remain on the high ground they will lose.
They should make a big thing of McCain's age because it is a big thing. I am aware of that from personal experience, being close to my 83rd birthday now. They should harp on numerous things such as the fact he can't use a computer, let alone the Internet. He doesn't know the geography of the Middle East although he pretends to be an expert on the subject. He makes out that he is a military expert even though he never was on a battlefield when the shooting was going on. Piloting a plane, getting shot down, being a prisoner doesn't make a man a hero. He makes mistakes almost every time he opens his mouth. Around the halls of Congress he is known as Senator Hothead. In public he called his wife the worst name that can be applied to a woman, then said it was because he was tired.
He might do the seemingly impossible, make George W. Bush look good by comparison. Sounds like a great man to run the country.