Life's Irritating Things
At the top of the list are guys that start blogs and then fail to update them several times a week. OK, I plead guilty.
Those caps on jars that can't be opened without using a hammer and chisel - talk about irritating. Not just child-proof prescription bottles, although they can be maddening. The VA uses them even though a great many veterans are past the stage of life when pushing down while twisting is possible. No. it's the everyday jars you pick up at the grocery that are the worst - jars of pickles or cranberry juice or catsup. They must use jack hammers to apply the caps.
Worse yet are the mustard jars with pop-up caps. You can shake the jar until your arm is ready to fall off but still a trail of liquid comes out of the little hole before you get any mustard. Who wants a watered down hamburger?
And those cardboard containers of orange juice that have a tab that has to be pulled free before you get to the juice. You slip a little ring over your finger and pull and pull until it finally comes loose and juice and pulp go flying all over the countertop.
Worst of all are the plastic bags of potato chips, or anything else that comes in plastic bags. It shouldn't require a bazooka or a pair of sharp scissors to open one, but it does.
For many reasons, all politicians are irritating. In the fall when you'd like to enjoy the colorful leaves and bushes all you can see are signs urging you to vote for one shady character or another. They flood your mailbox to overflowing with more appeals for your support. As if all that wasn't enough, they take over television with mud-slinging filth. Ask yourself how often you see a political commercial in which a candidate tells you what he or she intends to do if elected. For every one of those you'll watch a dozen pointing out what a slime ball the opposing candidate is and always has been. No wonder so many people tune it all out and don't bother to vote.
But we voted today. Why? Because you can't trust those irritating electronic gadgets you find at the polling places. Can you have faith in them to count your vote or not switch it to the scumbag you voted against? Well, when the head man at the company that makes a good share of the machines said in 2004 that he intended to make sure that Bush won in Ohio, there's your answer. So we voted with absentee ballots. The election board is snowed under with them because so many people feel the way we do and don't trust electronic voting without a paper trail. Absentee ballots cannot be counted until election day so in our county they are going to start the tally at one minute past midnight.
That's more than merely irritating to the poor slobs who have to stay up all night counting votes. But no matter how many people cast absentee ballots and no matter how much the manufacturers tell us their machines are fool proof, I'd bet the results could be announced right now rather than on election day. It's almost sure to be rigged, and that's irritating as hell.
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